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BRCT Timisoara

Regional Office for Cross-border Cooperation Timisoara (RO CBC Timisoara) started its activity in September 2005, being legally founded by the association of Regional Development Agency West (RDA West) with Regional Development Agency South-West Oltenia (RDA South-West Oltenia).

Regional Office for Cross-border Cooperation Timisoara is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation (NGO) which activates in the field of regional development and cross-border cooperation.

The objective of the Regional Office for Cross-border Cooperation Timisoara is to provide professional services to potential applicants, to efficiently administrate the programs and projects funded by the European Union and to sustain the efforts of the border region in the social and economical development process.

The eligible Romanian-Serbian cross-border area consist 3 counties: Timis, Caras-Severin, Mehedinti (Romanian part) and 6 districts: Severno-Banatski, Srednje-Banatski, Juzno-Banatski, Branicevski, Borski and Podunavski (Serbian part).

The headquarters office is in Timisoara, a landmark with important multicultural influences and great traditional collaboration with Republic of Serbia. During 2007 year, BRCT Timisoara has inserted two new regional offices in Resita (for Caras-Severin County) and Drobeta Turnu Severin (for Mehedinti County), in order to bring more information, technical assistance and monitoring services  to potential applicants of the Romania-Serbia Cross-border Cooperation Programmes. 


Together we celebrated European Cooperation Day in Zrenjanin

Together we celebrated European Cooperation Day in Zrenjanin Serbians and Romanians, cross-border project partners and friends, met in Zrenjanin to take part in the European Cooperation Day together, an event that celebrates cooperation between local communities in border areas. The Interreg-IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Romania-Serbia Programme has organized this event that is addressed to people in the European Union and neighbouring countries, as is the case with the Republic of Serbia, for the eighth time. [read more...]

Celebrating European Cooperation Day in Zrenjanin

Celebrating European Cooperation Day in Zrenjanin We celebrate the European Cooperation Day event traditionally in September. Each year, Interreg programmes across Europe organize events in order to celebrate the cooperation on the internal and external borders of the European Union. If in previous years we had the honour to bring this festive event both in Romania: Timisoara, Resita, Dr.Tr. Severin, Oravita and in Serbia: Vrsac, Veliko Gradiste and Kikinda, this year our communities will meet in Zrenjanin. [read more...]

33 new cross-border projects proposed for financing in the border area between Romania and the Republic of Serbia

33 new cross-border projects proposed for financing in the border area between Romania and the Republic of Serbia 33 new Romanian-Serbian cross-border projects are proposed for financing under the second Call for Proposals of the Interreg-IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Romania-Serbia Programme following the decision taken in Timisoara by members of the Joint Monitoring Committee during the meeting that took place on January 31, 2019. [read more...]
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